CfUT Summer Leadership Development Program
The CfUT Summer School Program offers aspiring and practicing leaders a hands-on experience in effective school leadership. Qualifying candidates will train, lead, and oversee staff development at a summer school site. Leaders also will oversee instruction, culture, and operations. The six-week program consists of two weeks of training and four weeks of summer school sessions with K5-8 students.
Starting compensation is $3,500. In addition, candidates may qualify for a full-ride scholarship through CfUT for a master’s degree in Leadership and Innovation and/or a principal licensure through our partnership with Wisconsin Lutheran College.
Highlights of the Summer Leadership Development Program:
“Participating in the CfUT and Character Formation Project lessons, devotions, and book talks helped me reflect and grow in the specific virtues of self-sacrifice, trust, empathy, persistence, and stewardship. This combined with the summer school leadership experience resulted in the opportunity for me to work intentionally to improve on these virtues.“
“The summer school program has helped enhance a number of character traits and confirmed the importance of having great character to be a great leader.“