While a great classroom can exist with a great teacher, an entire school can flourish when a school leader sets a big vision, pushes a team to excel, and retains top teaching talent. Learn and experience effective school leadership through CfUT’s Leadership Development Program. This opportunity allows leader candidates to put theory to practice while influencing the next generation of teachers. Selected candidates may also elect to participate in the Master’s program for Leadership and Innovation with Principal Licensure offered collaboratively by CfUT and Wisconsin Lutheran College. Candidates may qualify for a full-ride scholarship through CfUT.
Summer Leadership Development Program
Summer Leadership Development Program:
Expand and enhance your leadership capacity with the opportunity to test drive school leadership through CfUT’s Summer School Program! The summer school program allows aspiring and practicing leaders to experience the essential elements of effective school leadership firsthand. Qualifying candidates will have the opportunity to train, lead, and oversee staff development, instruction, culture, and operations of a summer school site for six weeks: two weeks of training and four weeks of summer school. Starting compensation is $3,000.
Earn Your Master’s Degree and Principal Licensure
Earn Your Master’s Degree and Principal Licensure:
Nominees can qualify for a full-ride scholarship and receive graduate credit for summer school leadership through CfUT to enroll in WLC’s Master of Arts in Leadership and Innovation in lieu of the summer school stipend.
“This experience has been INVALUABLE. My leadership skills have been positively impacted…more than I ever would have guessed coming into the program!“