The mandate to be agents of change comes from Romans 12:2a, “ And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Educators are elements of change sharing energy and wisdom to transform the next generation. As conduits of knowledge we share strength with one another, our students, classrooms, schools, and, finally, the community. As we move through these various roles, we see God using us to transform our city one student at a time.
From 8am to 4pm of February 17, 2024, Our Urban Network Impacting Tomorrow’s Educator’s (UNITE) conference offers a day of refocus and reflection through two keynote speakers and three choice breakout sessions.
Come to the UNITE conference. Let your mind be renewed and your spirit be refreshed through the CfUT educator community. Leave transformed and ready to lead the charge to change our city one student at a time.
Be transformed to be a transformer!